Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

Impaired-Risk Disability Solutions

According to World Health Organization estimates, there are over 30,000 diseases of the human body known to modern medicine.  Of those classified and analyzed conditions, roughly two-thirds have no known effective treatment.  Yet, medicines have evolved greatly over the last several generations, and treatment methods have as equally improved to great effect on the human […]

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The Layering of Disability Policies

Without financially protecting one’s paycheck, men and women stand to lose their single most vital source of economic freedom.  Regularly-earned income provides for the necessities for one’s lifestyle and for one’s family – it allows for food, shelter, utilities, transportation, education, healthcare as well as the other numerous bills and costs the average American encounters […]

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High-Limit Disability Insurance

The Third Tier Newly created policy offers up to $25,000 per month of disability benefits payable to age 65. A first of its kind in the High Limit Disability market, this revolutionary plan offers High Limit benefits and is structured as a traditional DI policy. Plans are available for Physicians, Executives, Attorneys, and other white […]

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The All Important “Rainmaker”

In the realm of big business and high finance, the term “rainmaker” holds substantial clout, influence and respect.  Defined as “a person who generates income for a business or organization by brokering deals or attracting clients or funds”, a rainmaker is a key employee or business owner, usually a go-getter who is mainly responsible for […]

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Loss of License – Income Protection for Pilots

As important as life insurance is to professional aviators, disability income protection is absolutely imperative. Whether a pilot flies for a commercial outfit, is self-employed as a crop duster, provides transport for corporate executives or does heavy-lift work in a helicopter, the reality of disablement exists among every class of aviator. Due to accident or illness, there […]

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Marijuana Business Term Insurances

The American cannabis industry continues to expand and evolve throughout much of the country as many state-level governments have embraced the idea that the financial gains generated by legal cannabis businesses outweigh the moral and social risks involved with the intoxicant and the culture and crime commonly associated with it. The industry is expected to […]

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Unique Term Insurance Solutions

In this evolving world of social distancing and government health mandates, the long shadow of the Coronavirus has definitely taken a toll on American businesses and financial sectors over the last couple of years.  The life insurance industry has also been affected as forecast experts are seeing a continued general hardening trend among financial services […]

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Retirement Planning Begins with Income Protection

Great strides have taken place in the financial services industry in recent decades to develop widely accessible and sophisticated fiduciary savings vehicles, allowing Americans to begin planning for secured financial futures in retirement.  Plans like 401(k)’s, Roth IRA’s, annuities and cash value life insurance programs have grown in popularity and have proven to allow reliable […]

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