Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

Why Choose Accidental Death Insurance?

At first thought, accidental death insurance seems quite simplistic and obvious without the need for much explanation.  However, you might be surprised at the number of inquiries we receive asking what exactly constitutes an accidental death.  You may also be quite astonished to learn the true broad nature of the coverage and the many attributes […]

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Disability Loan Insurance vs. Overhead Insurance

Capital lending and finance make the world go round.  Whether it be personal real estate, automobiles or business expenses, most Americans finance their entire way of life by accepting money from professional lenders with the promise of repayment including interest.  Public and private companies regularly utilize business loans to start, run and enhance themselves.  Business […]

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A Stronger Focus at Both Ends of the Age Spectrum

Millennials outnumber Baby Boomers in the United States by almost eight million and represent more than a quarter of the American population.  Our greatest sources of prospective clientele now fall upon the youth and those nearing retirement – opposite ends of the spectrum.  As an industry, specifically in the life and disability insurance markets, we […]

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Take the Case of…Dr. T.

Dr. T. is a 47-year-old board-certified cosmetic surgeon with a successful Beverly Hills, California practice. He specializes in rhinoplasty and facial reconstruction. His annual income was $2,200,000 which allowed for a very extravagant lifestyle – even for Los Angeles standards. He was a superstar of plastic surgery. Fresh out of medical residency, Dr. T. picked-up a modest individual […]

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Stay Connected

Feeling a little or a lot cut-off from the world?  Despite the political and social dramas being played out over all forms of media in recent months, life in the U.S. has been anything but familiar or inclusive since early 2020.  The Coronavirus pandemic, daily local and national protests and the polarizing political scene have […]

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