Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

The Unconventional Celebrity

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word “celebrity” as “a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport.”  In this age so influenced by the millennial mindset, fame has found its way to persons of many genres that tend to push the boundaries of antiquated interpretations of sport and entertainment commonly found throughout the twentieth century. Our […]

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Impaired-Risk Disability Insurance

According to World Health Organization estimates, there are over 30,000 human diseases known to modern medicine.  Of those classified and analyzed conditions, roughly two-thirds have no known effective treatment.  Yet, we have come a long way from the archaic days of visits to the medieval barber for blood-lettings or shock therapies to improve ailments of […]

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New Video Release from Petersen International

Please enjoy the following newest addition to Petersen International’s video marketing library. This piece serves as a wonderful introduction to or simply a great refresher of the often underutilized and lucrative world of Surplus Lines insurance including the amazing specialty-market disability, life and medical insurance programs available specifically to you from Petersen International Underwriters.

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When It Comes to DI, More Is Certainly Better

Supplemental, high-limit disability benefits have been available to higher-income clientele for decades.  Excess disability plans are traditionally sold on an individual basis.  However, in recent years, excess disability products have become available in the multi-life and group guaranteed-issue markets, providing the advantageous ability to reduce or even eliminate underwriting altogether while at the same time […]

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Meetings on Demand – a New Tool from Petersen International

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced changes to business practices the world over.  Common now are video meetings and teleconferences so as to accommodate employees working remotely, outside the traditional confines of an office building conference room.  Not only are these activities promoting social distancing and safer business practices, but they are also keeping you, your […]

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Simplified-Issue Individual Disability Insurance

Like life insurance products, disability programs come in many different shapes and sizes designed to fit varying client needs and budgets.  But acquiring sufficient amounts of DI can be challenging and time consuming to both broker and client alike.  That is never more true than it is today, especially in the current COVID-19 climate when […]

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No Better Time for Key Person DI

Considering the current state of life in the United States, with all of us doing our best to practice social distancing and contactless commerce, many American industries are wavering under the crushing pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lucky for you and I much of the way we transact day-to-day business can be done so electronically and […]

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