Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

Fed Up With Individual DI Underwriting? Skip It!

Learn how to help your clients bypass cumbersome individual disability insurance underwriting processes with this 50 second video. Having a convenient solution for disability insurance is one of the best sales tools an advisor can have. Save your clients hundreds to thousands of dollars in premium payments, place more cases, and save hours of work! […]

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Insurance for the Rest of the Entertainment Industry

In a recent issue of “The Communicator”, we reintroduced you to the StarCover® high-limit disability insurance plan that is specifically designed to protect the future income of Hollywood stars who make their living with their likeness in front of the camera. They are the big names that get you to pay exorbitant prices at concerts and […]

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Product Spotlight: StarCover®

Petersen International is deeply rooted in the entertainment industry. We were founded just several miles from the famous and conspicuous Hollywood sign, and for almost 40 years, we have been privileged to write high-limit disability insurance and specialty life programs for the who’s who of show business. Several decades ago, W. Harold Petersen developed the […]

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Working to Demystify DI

As residents of a democratic nation built upon economic models of capitalism and free market systems, personal income is our greatest asset.  Without a regular paycheck, we wouldn’t be able to live as we are accustomed; we wouldn’t be able to provide the same food and shelter for our families or education for our children.  […]

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A Simplified-Issue Death Benefit

Over the last few decades, the Surplus Lines specialty market has been successful in developing some of the life and health insurance industry’s most brilliant and forward-thinking products for American businesses.  Failure to Survive (FTS) insurance is one such incredible evolution that is recently proving to be an incredible tool for U.S. life agents and […]

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A Unique Idea for DIAM

Most of you disability insurance purveyors out there are independents or general agents who specialize in individual benefit (IDI) marketing.  That’s your comfort zone.  That’s what you know best.  But to help stir-up sales and enlarge your insurance business footprint, Petersen International poses the following novel approach to conducting your business differently this Disability Insurance […]

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