Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

Marketing Disability Insurance for Profit

Insurers and producers of disability insurance are pleased to be advised that the year 2015 produced the highest level of profitability in more than 20 years as reported by Milliman, the outstanding consulting actuarial firm, some months ago. This regular survey of disability insurers started over 35 years ago. It gives the industry the best […]

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The Three Tiers of DI

Disability insurance is the greatest resource Americans have in protecting personal income against the very real threat of unforeseen and debilitating illnesses and injuries. Without financial protection of one’s paycheck, a person stands to lose their single most important source of economic freedom. Income provides for one’s family, it pays for food, shelter, transportation, education, […]

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Star Gazing

If you caught last week’s airing of the 89th Academy Awards, you were witness to a historical night culminating in the very uncomfortable, botched delivery of “picture of the year”, not to mention the continuous stream of the now requisite political commentaries and expected “Trump” satire. Despite the sometimes tiresome, self-aggrandizing and frivolous proselytizing by […]

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The American Diaspora

We are living in a technologically-progressive business world with an ever-expanding global economy where corporate identities exceed borders and nationalities. Although originally domiciled in or at the very least incorporated within the United States, many American companies are moving entire divisions or launching branches overseas. There are also those that are relocating completely outside of […]

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The Risks of Putting to Sea

Impoverished areas dotting the coasts of Nigeria, Somalia, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines have been virtual breeding grounds for partially-organized collections of criminals seeking to steal, hijack, kidnap and murder their way to fortune (“fortune” is probably too strong an assessment as most persons in question eke out a minimal existence for themselves and their […]

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Become a Disability Insurance Superstar

The ability to bring your client something that others can’t will set you apart and ultimately make you a star. Right now, one of the hottest platforms of the disability insurance industry is guaranteed-issue (GSI) coverage. GSI products are becoming more mainstream outside of the traditional group insurance and employee benefits marketplaces. They are easily […]

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Don’t Waste Personal DI Benefits on Business Loans

The Small Business Administration and countless non-governmental, commercial banks lend billions of dollars in capital to tens of thousands of American professionals every year. Those professional men and women are your clients and your business prospects, and many make the serious mistake of assigning personal disability policy benefits to lending institutions in cooperation with business […]

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Pot’s Lingering Effect on the Business of Insurance

Ever since Reefer Madness was released in the 1930’s, through the counter-culture era of the 1960’s, to the beginning of the 21st century, America remained at war with weed. Marijuana has historically been persecuted similarly to “harder” illegal drugs by state and national legislatures and law enforcement, creating moral hazards that are just now being […]

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