Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

The Proof Is in the Numbers

As most of you are well aware, especially you health agents, we are nearing the end of the Affordable Care Act’s open enrollment period. In its current form, the Affordable Care Act has failed millions of Americans. Protocol and logistics nightmares and coverage shortfalls are becoming more and more evident as increasing numbers of U.S. […]

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Trouble in Paradise

I recently returned from an incredible trip to the island of Bora Bora in French Polynesia. The tiny speck of land is located 2,500 miles south of the Hawaiian island chain and its superb isolation is much celebrated. The crystal water and fine white sand beaches are the most beautiful I have ever seen as […]

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Specialty Income Protection in the Golden State

Disability insurance is the greatest resource Californians have in protecting personal income against the very real threat of unforeseen and debilitating illness or injury. A 2013 study by Cornel University found that 8.5% of working age, non-institutionalized Californians are disabled. A relatively small and recently shrinking collection of American insurers offers a wide range of […]

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It’s (Almost) Never Too Late for Disability Insurance

As “Generation Y” or “Millennials” as they are now so commonly referred are flooding the American workforce, their more seasoned counterparts, the “Baby Boomers”, are becoming stacked at the opposite end of the career timeline. Boomers came into adulthood during the Vietnam War and saw this country through many political and socioeconomic changes. They worked […]

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The Insurance Heroes

Heroes are an important part of culture and civilization. Heroes stir the imagination of the mind and motivate the romance of the soul. A world without heroes would be a colorless and drifting world. Leaders study heroes. A knowledge of the past and the handling of crisis by heroes helps determine the plan of action […]

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In the Home Stretch

What a crazy year it’s been. Deadly terrorist attacks continuing at home and abroad, political and social turmoil surrounding the Presidential race, and Ryan Lochte at the Rio Olympics! I think America needs a break. Here at Petersen International, we have enjoyed a beautifully organized chaos throughout 2016. It’s been another busy and prosperous year, […]

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The Disability Insurance Litmus Test

As an insurance professional, you make a living serving your clients’ best interests. You assumedly make it your primary duty to financially prepare your clients for the many varied obstacles life may bring. Harnessing your years of experience of recognizing and indemnifying risk, you more than likely prescribe medical insurance, life insurance and most importantly […]

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In the Driver’s Seat

For more than a half-century, Americans have spent their weekends in front of television eagerly watching sports programming traditionally dominated by professional football, baseball, basketball and hockey. But over the last couple of decades, auto racing has become one of the largest markets in the U.S. sports and entertainment industry, stealing a healthy percentage of […]

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“The Craziest Thing in the World”

Speaking at a Democratic Party rally on October 3rd in Flint, Michigan, President Bill Clinton astonishingly and publically criticized President Barak Obama’s brainchild, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), calling it “the craziest thing in the world.” He went on to denounce the current healthcare reform in that it flooded the health insurance market, resulting in […]

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