Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

Adrenaline Junkie 101

A few of weeks ago, I spent the day at a Southern California amusement park. Temperatures soared above 100 degrees as we trudged miserably around the park. I was feeling the early effects of heat stroke when I came to realize, through my sweat-filled eyes, that Americans are crazy for cheap (and not-so-cheap) thrills – […]

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No Body’s Perfect – Impaired Risk Underwriting

According to World Health Organization estimates, there are over 30,000 human diseases known to modern medicine. Of those classified and analyzed conditions, roughly two-thirds have no known effective treatment. Yet, we have come a long way from the archaic days of visits to the medieval barber for blood-lettings or shock therapies to improve ailments of […]

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Anywhere in the Country, We Are There for You

Petersen International Underwriters is pleased to announce the recent hiring of a prominent figure of the disability insurance industry. As of September 1, 2016, Lori Boggs became the newest Regional Vice President and a member of Petersen’s expanding outside sales team. Ms. Boggs began her career as an underwriter for Unum. She later joined MetLife’s […]

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GSI Business Continues to Grow

For several years now, Petersen International has been singing the praises of Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI) disability insurance. It is the most efficient and economical method for business owners to sufficiently insure themselves and their employees against disablement and the subsequent eventuality of loss of income. It is also an incredible door-opening sales tool and […]

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International Benefits in the 21st Century

In today’s business world, long gone are the days of regionalism and local sourcing, as companies of any size across many fields conduct business on a global scale.  Almost every inch of the map has been filled-in and connected by electronic communication, providing immediate transfer of information, spanning vast distances instantly.  Contemporary technologies and conveniences […]

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