Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

How DI Is Integral to Estate Planning

In the most fundamental teachings of life and health insurances, we learn early on that life insurance creates an immediate estate and annuities assist in liquidating an estate.  But what financial tool safeguards an estate during those oh so important income accumulation years while a person’s economic interests build, ride the inherent market ebbs and […]

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Accident Only Medical Insurance

Petersen International’s Accident Only Medical plan has for years been a valuable tool in providing peace of mind for unique situations when health insurance is traditionally unavailable.  For U.S. residents temporarily without health coverage, the Accident Only Medical plan is a perfect fit and can be offered with up to a 12-month term of insurance.  […]

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A Key Person Failure to Survive Case Study

Petersen International’s Failure to Survive product provides a simplified-issue death benefit on a term chassis to customers who need coverage quickly or who are not eligible or the right fit for traditional term insurance.  Typical uses of the insurance are for third-party key person situations, to indemnify buy/sell agreements and other business contracts, divorce decrees […]

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New Electronic Applications

Due to increasing product demand with a growing need to streamline policy application processing and ensure continued exceptional and expeditious service, Petersen International is excited to announce the immediate implementation of two new online product applications for the Business Loan Failure to Survive (FTS) plan as well as the Accident Only Major Medical plan.  These […]

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The Producer Zone

The rapid evolution of technology in the 21st century has changed the business world forever.  Slowly fleeting are the glory days of the salesperson and the insurance broker.  Those making deals face-to-face with witty dialogue and a handshake must now turn their attentions toward social media platforms, conference calls and online meetings.  The life and […]

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SBA Loan Solutions

Considering the voluminous number of start-up businesses that don’t make it in this country, the facts and figures have historically been alarming to lenders.  Therefore, many checks, balances and hurdles are required when someone attempts to secure a capital advance even from the federally run U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).  One such requisite demand of […]

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