Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

Ever Heard of Guaranteed-Issue Disability Business Insurance?

Have you ever come across a guaranteed-issue key person DI plan?  What about guaranteed-issue BOE coverage?  GSI buy/sell insurance?  While extremely uncommon and with limited scope in the traditional disability market, these programs do exist with high-limit, robust benefit structures, and are part of Petersen International’s portfolio of unique and exciting corporate solutions.  Encompassing the […]

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What’s Peyton Going to Do Now?

On Sunday, much of the country watched as the underdog Denver Broncos triumphed over Cam Newton’s Carolina Panthers in the 50th outing of the National Football League’s championship game.  This year’s extravaganza was lackluster at best.  The showings of both quarterbacks were mediocre, but Denver’s defense saved the day for Bronco’s team leader, Hall of […]

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Hard-To-Place DI

The name Petersen has been associated with the disability insurance industry for more than 60 years.  For decades, you may have seen our ads in the trade journals, or you may be a regular reader of this publication.  You may have placed business with us over the years, or you may have yet to reach […]

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The Next Generation of Pilot Disability Insurance

As significant as life insurance, disability coverage is imperative to professional aviators.  Whether a pilot flies for a commercial outfit or as crop duster, the reality of disablement exists among every class of aviator, posing an imminent threat of short or long-term loss of income and financial devastation to one’s family.  Built upon the chassis […]

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A Deadly Year for Journalists

Last year proved to be a dangerous year for those working in the field of journalism around the world and in the U.S. Although members of the international press attempt to present themselves as unbiased, neutral and without political agenda, inevitably they become recognized by terrorists and other makers of malice as enemy informants and […]

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Another Call to Action

Several months ago, Petersen International issued a plea…a serious, urgent call to action for insurance agents and advisors with doctor clients to contact us immediately for assistance in making the most of the incredibly hot multi-life, guaranteed-issue excess disability (GSI) marketplace. The results from that communication have been remarkable.  Many of your colleagues have seen […]

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Passion Is Key to Success

As you spend time with friends and family this holiday season, take notice of how content you are.  Do you smile often?  Do you frequently break out laughing?  Is there excitement in the air when you are with loved ones?  Is there a sense of comfort abound?  If so, you most likely have passion in […]

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Discover a New Benefit for Physicians and Dentists

Business overhead expense (BOE) disability insurance is a cornerstone of a well-managed corporate financial plan.  The coverage financially indemnifies the regular monthly overhead of a company in case of the partial or total disablement of the business owner.  BOE coverage allows a business to stay afloat while the owner is on the mend with the […]

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