Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

What is Failure to Survive Insurance?

Over the last several decades, the Surplus Lines specialty market has been successful in developing some of the life and health insurance industry’s most brilliant and forward-thinking products for American businesses. Failure to Survive (FTS) insurance is one such incredible evolution that has gained an immense following of U.S. brokers as of late. The insurance […]

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New Tool for Producers: Agency Branding

Petersen International has always strived to assist the producers with whom we work with bettering their businesses and helping achieve more financial success in the most efficient ways possible. We will do the same for you. We have developed an easy-to-follow program that will design and implement primary corporate branding or co-branding of your agency’s […]

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Catastrophe on the High Seas

Cruise ships of today are like floating cities, comfortably carrying thousands of passengers and crewmembers to exotic locales by way of the planet’s oceans and rivers.  It is estimated that over 22 million people worldwide will travel by cruise line in 2015.  Of those, 12 million are Americans.  Combine that with an annual industry growth […]

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Product News and Enhancements

Here is our summer blockbuster: Petersen International is excited to announce the official launch of the most progressive high-limit DI plan in the history of the American insurance industry.  Working with a top-rated European insurer, we have developed an “own occupation” excess disability policy with a 10 year term of insurance! This is the only […]

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Business Travel Hits an All-Time High

The business community is now global, far reaching to every corner of the planet.  It is commonplace for executives and salespersons of companies large and small to travel on a weekly, even daily basis for firms that have international interests and multi-national corporate sites.  Business travel spending for U.S. companies has increased 31% since 2009, […]

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Severance Insurance: An Important Asset for Business Owners

As global economies flourish and contract, the American business world changes constantly.  Companies merge and downsize creating pitfalls in corporate reorganization that human resource departments often miss or may not even be aware exist.  One such unfamiliar peril is that of disability insurance for employees terminated following a downsizing or acquisition. Severance agreements are usually […]

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We Can When Others Can’t or Won’t

“We can when others can’t or won’t” is a slogan Petersen International has been using for years. It’s more than a tagline, it’s the truth. Most insurance professionals recognize us as specialists in high-limit or excess disability insurance, which we proudly concede. We write comprehensive disability policies for the Hollywood elite, Wall Street movers and […]

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Acts of War & Terror

Although a culturally rich, diverse and historic part of our planet, for more than a millennia, the Middle East has been a breeding ground for terrorism, religious extremism and violence where social atrocities have become commonplace. The current political climate has remained scalding over the last several years, and with State Department analysts suggesting a […]

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