Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

Travel Insurance – Because U.S. Medical Plans Just Won’t Cut It

The summer months are upon us, marking a busy time for the international travel industry.  Family vacations, study-abroad programs, high school/college senior trips, honeymoons and humanitarian missions are but a few of the reasons Americans will be traveling overseas throughout the next several months.  Unbeknownst to many, their trusted U.S. medical policies won’t sufficiently cover […]

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A Lifetime of Advocacy

We are extremely proud to announce that our Chairman of the Board, W. Harold Petersen, was inducted into the Iowa Insurance Hall of Fame on May 19th.  Accompanied by his wife, daughter and two of his sons, Harold was one of five insurance professionals honored at a ceremonial dinner held at the Olmstead Center at […]

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DI For Pilots: In The Air & On The Water

Petersen International has long been in the pilot insurance business.  For years we have provided aviators with personal disability coverage on individual and group platforms.  We have also been working closely with airlines and associations to bring the most comprehensive of income protection products to a broader population of the aviation community. Over time, insurance […]

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Disability Income Protection: The Tiered-Benefit Approach

Disability insurance is the greatest resource available in protecting one’s paycheck against the very real threat of unforeseen and debilitating illnesses and injuries. You are likely to find that most working Americans are insufficiently, if at all, covered by some form of income protection insurance. Many U.S. employers provide a small layer of guaranteed-issue group disability […]

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Let’s Make Your Business More Rewarding

When was the last time you thought of your business as exciting…or really very interesting?  There are probably fleeting moments of elation, but most likely those revolve around bigger than usual commission scores.  It’s only natural to lose some enthusiasm especially when you have been in the same business for years.  Don’t you long for […]

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On Fire: The Guaranteed Issue DI Market

Last Thursday, the International Disability Insurance Society sponsored an intriguing and well-received webinar on the carrier, agent and consumer benefits of GSI (guaranteed standard issue) group disability insurance in the traditional marketplace.  The real buzz on this type of product is its extreme attractiveness to all parties involved once the program attributes are properly illustrated.  […]

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