Author Archives: Jimmy Petersen

Life in the Fast Lane

  March 3, 2015 Life in the Fast Lane On February 21st at the Daytona International Speedway in Florida, NASCAR star Kyle Busch lost control of his car in the closing laps of the race.  His vehicle slammed into an infield wall which was unprotected by safety barriers.  The immense impact of the crash left […]

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Stock Option Income Protection

  February 24, 2015 World Premier of New Product – Stock Option DI Financial experts all agree that 65% of income protection is the prescribed solution to prevent financial disaster during a time of a serious illness or injury. Higher income individuals have always had to rely on multiple tiers of income protection coverage to […]

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Untitled Document     February 10, 2015 Important Reminders for Those Exiting the USA   Medical insurance benefits are affected when a person leaves the country. As all U.S. residents have recently been mandated to acquire and hold valid healthcare, many of us Americans have been reviewing our policies and plan options.  Yet during this […]

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The Right Choice for Private Pilots

According to current Federal Aviation Administration statistical data, over 200,000 U.S. residents hold valid, active private pilot licenses.  That figure is not inclusive of the many thousands of student pilots and all those who fly ultralights, powered parachutes, paragliders, gliders and balloons.  Like the rest of the pilot community, recreational aviators are aware of the […]

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Hidden Liability When Firing an Employee

Most employment dissolutions taking place in small to large businesses are done so with amicable intentions.  Of course employees are generally and understandably upset, but the break-up of employee and employer is usually beneficial, in the long run, to both parties.  Severed employees must come to grips that personalities clashed enough to produce an unhealthy […]

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Shopping this Holiday Season

Researchers anticipate Americans will have record spending on gifts and holiday trimmings and trappings this year.  That figure is absolutely dumbfounding.  But even more astonishing is the realization of how few Americans have appropriate disability income protection.  That may have sounded like a sloppy literary transition, and you may not see an immediately strong connection, […]

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Where Have All The Pirates Gone?

As long as man has sailed the oceans, there have been pirates – men, and in rare instances women, who exploit maritime transit and commerce for financial gain by use of violence, intimidation and terror.  The earliest documented accounts of piracy come from ancient Greek tales of the “Sea Peoples”, unidentified seafaring raiders who attacked […]

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Extra! Extra! – The NFLPA Teams with Underwriting Firm

The NFL Players Association has announced to its members the launch of a new disability insurance program created and administered by Petersen International Underwriters, the disability income protection specialists out of Valencia, California. The program will provide members of the National Football League Players Association with career-ending, permanent total disability insurance on a guaranteed issue […]

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Business Travel Accident Insurance: Mitigating Corporate Liability Trends

Next time you find yourself in a major airline terminal on a weekday, take notice of how many of those sitting about you are wearing a suit or carrying a briefcase.  In the financial services world, many of us spend a lot of time on the road.  The frequency with which we find ourselves in […]

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A Focus on Fundamentals: Excess DI

Personal disability insurance is one of the elementary financial needs of any professional, and in a perfect world should be as commonly prescribed as auto or homeowners insurance.  That ideal is far from the reality.  There are currently fewer than 30 carriers offering disability insurance in the United States, but more than 800 selling life […]

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