Author Archives: Rightsize

Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: Defeating the Tarzan Syndrome

We all need validation in our jobs because that is what drives us to get up every morning, get dressed and enjoy what our lives have to offer. Petersen International Underwriters has been educating our industry about the importance of disability insurance for more than 30 years… Learn More

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Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: Corporate Accumulation Death and Disability

Catastrophic loss is something few business firms give much thought to, yet when presented with the “what is at stake” the management often times takes a BIG GULP!Corporate Accumulation Death and Disability is not just limited to the place of work, but places of gathering such as special events whereby a business firm may have several or even hundreds of employees in attendance…

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Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: Temporary Government Attorney

Mrs. K, a talented litigation attorney working for a large New York law firm, is offered a two year assignment with the administration of the President of the United States’. This assignment offers an income of $250,000 annually and will be an exemplary credential for her, probably boosting her career to the next level…

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Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: Replacement of Inadequate Coverage

In the arena of inadequate disability coverage, we often use words such as “replacement, rescue, and supplement”. Replacement coverage must be prescribed carefully, for it is not intended to replace coverage provided by other insurers except for a bona fide use that represents a sound improvement to an insured’s present coverage… Learn More

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The Real Cost Of A Disability

The cost of a long term disability is not easily measured. How do you measure the loss of educational opportunities, the cost of shattered lives, altered personalities? How do you measure the cost to society when boys and girls who are potential doctors, lawyers, architects, teachers or scientists are denied the opportunity for training because their fathers became disabled and were unable to finance the necessary education? How do you measure the cost of heartbreak when the family’s treasured possessions must be sold? How do you measure the cost when a dynamic individual has lost all initiative and hope?The cost of disability can be so high that it can’t be measured, or it can be minimal…

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Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: Disability Insurance For Military Doctors

Did you know that most of the U.S. military doctors and dentists are paid bonuses above their “rank pay” as a way to keep professional people in the armed services for a longer period of time? The cost of training and the medical school education which the military paid for needs to be recaptured with service given back… Learn More

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Christmas Has Been Cancelled!

Don’t Worry PIU Can Insure That!Event Cancellation Insurance has saved more than this one holiday. Perhaps you need to tell your clients about Event Cancellation Insurance.What Exactly Is Event Cancellation CoverageJust as a fine Bouillabaisse has an assortment of ingredients in its mixture, Event Cancellation Insurance involves an assortment of risks which may be chosen to be included within the mixture of benefits…

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Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: Senior Market Disability

Take the case of… Mr. A, age 62, who found himself with a new young family.At the age of 62 it was difficult to secure an adequate level of Disability Insurance. As the sole bread winner for his family, every dime of his $170,000 income is needed to support the mortgage, food, clothing, and private education for his two young children…

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