Author Archives: Rightsize

Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities.: Two Doctors

Take the case of… …Two foreign born doctors, who were in the United States on education visas while they studied in very specialized fields. They were hired by a hospital in Texas upon completion of their studies, and their visas were adjusted to work visas to reflect the change, but only for as long as they were employed by the Texas hospital…

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When Tragedy Strikes

Air France Flight 447 carried passengers from throughout Europe as well as Africa, South America, Asia, the U.S., and Canada. Crossingmany ethnic cultures, a span of ages (11-70), and many occupations, this unfortunate plane mysteriously disappeared in storm laden skiesoff the coast of Brazil on its way from Rio de Janeiro to Paris…

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Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: Three Partners

… three partners whose firm would like to purchase $2,000,000 of key person life insurance on each of the very busy partners. Like many Key Partners, they shunned the extensive underwriting requirements and the required para-med exam.The producer called Petersen International Underwriters and was provided quotes on each partner for a $2,000,000 Key Person Contingent Life Plan…

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DI in the Economic Downtur

A producer called the other day trying to find a solution to a disability insurance problem, a new problem created by the current economic recession. Here is how the story went:A business firm that is trying hard to survive the country’s economic downturn decided to cancel its Group Long Term Disability Plan in an effort to save money…

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