Author Archives: Rightsize

Key Person Life Insurance

In early 2008, Petersen International Underwriters (PIU) received a quote request for Key Person life insurance coverage for the CEO of a large oil company. The client was requesting a $100 million benefit to cover outstanding liabilities that could leave his company in financial ruin if something were to happen to him…

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Key Person

One plan you might want to bring to the table when discussing disability financial planning with your business client is Key Person. Every business andprofessional firm, profit and non-profit organization, charity, church and educational institution has at least one member of the organization who is “key” to the success of the organization’s mission… Learn More

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Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: Producers Are Heroes

We want to share a production story with you which might help you to appreciate the value of our products. Very recently JM was called upon by a producer to see if he could help with a problem. The problem was that two firms had recently merged, and a few of the top executives were being relieved of their duties due to redundancy… Learn More

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Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: Multi Life Disability Enhancement

Petersen International Underwriters has been offering Multi Life Disability Insurance Plans over the past five years with premium discounts that start with as few as two covered lives. Guaranteed Issue, Simplified Issue and Fully Underwritten are all underwriting options under the multi life programs… Learn More

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