Author Archives: Rightsize

BDI Buy Sell Agreements – A Serious Need

Buy-Sell Disability Insurance is a mover and shaker when it comes to generating very big premiums and big commissions.Frequently, the by-product sales or tangential sales generate more commissions than the disability buy-sell plan!The disability buy-sell spotlights the need for Salary Continuation, Key Person, and Bank Loan Disability, as well as an increase in the Buy-Sell Life Insurance, which in a successful company falls to an inadequate level every year… Learn More

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Business Disability Insurance

Business Disability Insurance was conceived and came alive at the Purdue University Life Insurance Marketing Institute in 1957. Under the banner of “The Advanced Accident and Health Underwriting Seminar,” high ranking insurance executives, esteemed college professors from highly respected business schools, prestigious general agents and managers of life insurance companies gathered to examine the potential for business uses of disability insurance… Learn More

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Terrorism Insurance

Terrorism is a grave and brutal subject. It is a peril in life that all people are subjected to on a daily basis. We know that this war against terrorists is likely to last a long time. People need to stabilize their lives by carrying out their duties and opportunities as best they can…

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Easy Money – The Fortune 500 Program

THE FORTUNE 500 DISABILITY BONUS PROGRAMThe April 15, 2004 issue of The Communicator celebrated the 50th year of Fortune Magazines publication of the top 500 Companies in America. In a reference to the 10/10/02 Communicator article detailing the sad and serious disability condition of vastly underinsured executives who work for Fortune 500 companies, we offered a $500 bonus on any disability cases on such persons…

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Opportunities in World-Wide Coverage

The airlines are flying, cruise ships are sailing; trains, buses and autos are transporting people to destinations near and far.Clients need and deserve the best in coverage and rates to insure them against the perils of travel. An additional concern is imposed on travelers in the world of today, which is marked by the peril of terrorist attacks…

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In Celebration-50 Years of The Fortune 500

Here is some advice. Beg, borrow or steal the April 5, 2004 edition of Fortune Magazine. This issue marks 50 years of researching and publishing The Fortune 500 list of America’s largest companies. In this issue there are many interesting historical items such as the original list, a list of companies that made it to the performance pinnacle and a list of those, which have fallen out, and those that have disappeared…

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