Author Archives: Rightsize

A New Focus On Specific Losses

There has perennially been a casual attitude about the benefits available to indemnify people for specific losses; i.e., loss of, or loss of use of, limb(s), sight, speech or hearing. Recent terrorists activities have created a perception of real value on insurance that indemnifies the unfortunate people who incur suchproblems…

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WTC Update from Lloyd’s

We don’t have to hold our breath any longer. The following Lloyd’s Press Releases officially peg the WTC losses at $1.9 billion. This is considerably less thanwe estimated. It is a lot of money, but it is a giant market and this figure is only about 12% of the market’s capacity for 2001!News sources have irresponsibly and recklessly guessed at Lloyd’s and other insurers financial responsibility…

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After the WTC Disaster

The deep sadness that runs through the soul of real Americans will never fully go away, for those people affected by this event, directly or indirectly will remember that our country and all our people were accosted in a hideous and cowardly way. Our leaders advise us we cannot successfully hurry into a revenge maneuver…

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Business Uses of Disability Insurance – Part I – Wage & Salary Continuation

WARNING!Getting sick or hurt can cost a person his/her job!Salary or Wages paid to a disabled employee who is disabled and therefore not currently performing services for the employer are not deductible as a business expense – – – – unless the firm had a Qualified Salary Continuation Plan in force prior to the disablement of the employee…

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Insights to International Major Medical

A person in the art and science of selling insurance cannot be alive and not know many people who have a need for and who will this year buy International Medical Insurance from someone.It was reported in a previous issue of THE COMMUNICATOR that nearly 100 million persons will travel outside their home country this year and will have a need for International Medical Insurance…

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