Author Archives: Rightsize

Lloyd’s Meet the USA, USA Meet Lloyd’s

What do you think of when someone mentions the name “Lloyd’s”? Do you think of prized legs belonging to supermodels? Do you think of a large insurance company which everyone has heard of, but few understand? Have you wondered how Lloyd’s might provide a selling opportunity, but you don’t know how to contact the “home office”?Lloyd’s is one of the largest insurance market places in the world…

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Disability Buy-Sell Agreement Prototype

For the consideration of business owners and their legal counsel.This agreement is intended for the use of you and your professional advisors as a guide in drafting your agreement. The options offered in this agreement together with consideration of the needs and wishes of you and your partners should aid in adoption of an agreement that fits your individual situation… Learn More

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Special Use DI Features Monograph

Designed, innovated and pioneered byPetersen InternationalSound financial planning begins and ends with income planning. Proper income planning is impossible without adequate amounts of disability insurance.Because so many income earners have been denied adequate and reasonable amounts of disability insurance, we have designed a series of plans to address a multitude of needs… Learn More

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