The PIU Communicator Library

Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities: BABY BOOMERS ARE CRYING FOR HELP! - Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Traditional Disability Buy/Sell Insurance policies begin to decrease in value as the insured person reaches age 60. A Solution to the Disability Buy/Sell Funding is replacement of a sick and dying plan with a perky, full benefit plan. There are two ways to save the consumer:1… Learn More

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Baby Boomers, A Buy-Sell Market - Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Take the case of…Mr. Boomer, age 59 who is involved in a BUY-SELL Agreement. As a partner, he is obligated to buy out the business interest of another partner in the event of permanent total disability. The firm has prospered and is now worth $4,000,000… Learn More

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Inadequate Buy-Sell - Tuesday, May 15, 2007

“May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month,” is an Industry-wide endeavor aimed at arousing people’s awareness of their needs for disability insurance in the event they don’t have any in force, and also an awareness of the INADEQUACY OF THEIR COVERAGE… Learn More

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Three Wishes - Friday, May 11, 2007

New Coverage with:* No reduction in benefits* No automatic termination age* Amounts up to $50 million per Insured.WISHES GRANTED!Yes , available with:* No reduction in benefits… Learn More

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Special Products for Target Markets - Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rescue Products for agingDisability Buy-Sell PlansBaby Boomers are crying for help to save their Disability Buy-Sell Insurances from disintegrating. In the previous issue of the Communicator we introduced two rescue plans to solve the two fold problem of the old fashioned plans that begin reducing benefits at age 60 and terminate at age 65… Learn More

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Baby Boomers Are Crying for Help - Thursday, March 1, 2007

Disability Buy-Sell plans are abandoning the people they were intended to help. The plans haven’t changed much in the past seventy years, but the policy holders have changed and now there is a serious and dangerous mismatch between the Insureds and their Buy-Sell Disability Policies… Learn More

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