The PIU Communicator Library

Disability Doesn’t Take a Holiday - 12/17/19

The festivities of the holiday season are well upon us.  Like the rest of your fellow Americans, you are now under the constant bombardment of twinkling lights, plastic garland, nostalgic movies on every television channel, corny Christmas tunes escaping elevator speakers, the daily onslaught of Amazon boxes on your doorstep and of course, the building […]

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Insights into Disability Financial Underwriting - 11/18/2019

No matter how long you have made a living in the financial services industry, you are at the very least somewhat aware of the amount of time and usual care that goes into the underwriting of insurance policies by carriers.  Insurance companies employ learned, specialized professionals to analyze risk and weigh the financial gain of […]

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Everyday Solutions for Usual and Unusual Insurance Roadblocks - 11/05/2019

Life and disability insurance sales are often hampered by a commonly occurring problem – impaired risk.  “My client takes meds for depression.  My client has a leaky heart valve.  My client has been arrested for DUI.  My client is too heavy for his/her height.  My client was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s.  My client has HIV.  […]

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DI Forum 2019 - 10/29/2019

A DI expert looks at the disability income market and what can be done to increase agent involvement in DI protection solutions. What are your assessments of the individual, group, business, and excess disability markets today? The specialty and high-limit DI market is strong, but we have seen a relative plateau in IDI business and […]

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Layering Personal Disability Policies - 10/22/2019

Without financial protection of one’s paycheck, a person stands to lose their single most vital source of economic freedom.  Income provides for the necessities for one’s family – it pays for food, shelter, transportation, education, healthcare and all of the other bills and costs the average American encounters on a daily basis.  It also allows […]

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Corporate Solutions: Severance DI - 10/01/2019

The business world is like a complex organism, a living thing that moves and breathes, grows and contracts, flourishes and stalls.  It is ever changing according to a multitude of influences like the stock market, politics and local economies which all can greatly affect businesses no matter their size or their industry.  Because of economic […]

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