The PIU Communicator Library

The International DI Society – Proving Its Worth - 10/23/2017

We often are asked by professional insurance producers for sales ideas, marketing strategies, what’s working, what’s not and many other similar questions.  Insurance producers are always trying to find the magic bullet. The true answer is that there is no magic bullet! However, there are things that work, provided you do them correctly.  There are […]

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Disability Insurance in America – Part 3 - 10/16/2017

PART 3 – We must observe that group disability insurance renewals are unpredictable.  Plans are exposed to: Cancellation by Insurer or Plan Sponsor.  Susceptibility to a change of Broker of Record.  Business adjustments that may result in a group plan because of mergers, acquisitions or business failure.   Individual Disability Income is often:   Difficult […]

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Disability Insurance in America - 10/10/2017

PART 2 – The experience of collecting premiums and investing reserves was probably the beginning of our industry’s inclination to view life insurance companies first as financial institutions and second as insurers. Life companies in general do not respond well to underwriting risk. Understanding this helps us to see how a separate insurance industry, the […]

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Disability Insurance in America - 10/3/2017

PART 1 – The disability insurance industry in America is at a crossroads. One road leads to oblivion because many insurers have chosen to exit this business. The other road leads to monopoly because only a few life insurers have chosen to remain in the business. Tragedy for consumers and financial services professionals is the […]

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Insuring the Unconventional Celebrity - 09/26/2017

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word “celebrity” as “a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport.” In this age so dominated by the millennial mindset, fame has found its way to persons of many genres that tend to push the boundaries of antiquated interpretations of sport and entertainment commonly found throughout the twentieth century. Our […]

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For Consideration by Insurance Advisors - 9/18/17

As an insurance agent or broker, you dedicate considerable time, effort and direct hard-dollar expense to pursue the quest of planning for the financial security of your clients. Fundamental to their financial wellbeing is the creation of an income cash flow, under any contingency, adequate to match the outgoing cash flow also known as expenses. […]

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