The PIU Communicator Library

From Mt. Olympus to the Shores of Rio - 05/31/2016

The Games of the 31st Olympiad are coming to the beautiful and wild shores of Rio de Janeiro this summer.  And like the Sochi Games of a couple of years ago, the Rio Olympics are already tainted by crisis.  Rumors are swirling of government corruption and unsafe conditions for spectators and competitors alike.  The entire […]

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Demystifying Disability Insurance - 05/03/2016

As residents of a democratic nation built upon economic models of capitalism and free market systems, personal income is our greatest asset.  Without a regular paycheck, we wouldn’t be able to live as we are accustomed; we wouldn’t be able to provide the same food and shelter for our families or education for our children.  […]

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Are You Ready For DIAM? - 04/26/2016

Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM) begins triumphantly next week on May 1st.  For 31 glorious days, those in the know will be rejoicing in all things DI.  There is no time better than now to familiarize your clients with the extreme importance of income protection.  Disability insurance is the most undervalued of coverage in the […]

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Targeting Both Ends of the Age Spectrum - 03/08/2016

As of 2015, Millennials outnumber Baby Boomers in the United States by almost eight million and represent more than a quarter of the American population.  Our greatest sources of prospective clientele now fall upon the youth and those nearing retirement – opposite ends of the spectrum.  As an industry, specifically in the life and disability […]

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Discrimination Is Alive and Well - 03/01/2016

We are not here to wax philosophical about race, religion or sexual orientation, but we want to contemplate ongoing financial discrimination against the wealthy in America as it pertains to insurance.  The United States is arguably the most successful, richest country in the world.  There are by far more billionaires in the U.S. than in […]

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Hard-To-Place DI - 02/02/2016

The name Petersen has been associated with the disability insurance industry for more than 60 years.  For decades, you may have seen our ads in the trade journals, or you may be a regular reader of this publication.  You may have placed business with us over the years, or you may have yet to reach […]

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