The PIU Communicator Library

Luckiest Man Alive - 08/01/2023

“So I close in saying that I may have had a tough break, but I have an awful lot to live for.” These are the final words from Lou Gehrig’s famous “Luckiest Man Alive” speech he gave following his diagnosis with ALS 84 years ago. I write today with two stories with the same message […]

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Petersen International Underwriters ALS Golf Classic - 08/01/2023

Once again, we are pleased to announce that Petersen International is the title sponsor of the 2023 ALS Golf Classic which will be held on September 11, 2023 at The Oaks Club in Valencia, California.  The Oaks Club is a championship course designed by World Golf Hall of Famer Mark O’Meara.  The charity golf tournament, […]

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Loss of License – Income Protection for Pilots -

Disability income protection for professional aviators is so important.  Whether a pilot flies for a commercial airline, is a corporate or charter pilot, is a crop duster, does firefighting or flight medical services, the reality of disablement exists among every class of aviator.  Due to accident or illness, there is always an imminent threat of […]

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Protecting the Most Crucial of Assets - 07/11/2023

The most important and fundamental of critical assets to the continuation and financial success of any American business of any size is not in its fiduciary holdings and intellectual properties, nor is it in the more readily tangible equities like manufactured product, real estate, office equipment and machinery.  Arguably, a company’s most important assets are […]

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Buy/Sell DI – Its Importance and Potential Pitfalls - 06/27/2023

Americans are extending working careers and business ownership longer than ever before in this country, making succession planning so vital in maintaining business continuity and balance when an owner decides to finally hang it up and enter a life of retirement. But how do you avoid financial catastrophe during a regime change and the partial […]

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Marketing DI Toward Both Ends of the Age Spectrum - 05/23/2023

Millennials outnumber Baby Boomers in the United States by more than eight million and represent more than a quarter of the American population.  We also must turn some of our attention to the Gen Z demographic who are just in recent years entering the workforce.  We are now faced with an intriguing dichotomy.  Our greatest […]

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