The PIU Communicator Library

The Best Prospecting - 02/21/2023

I surmise most of you are independent insurance brokers and general agents with practices focused on individual benefits and estate planning services.  Rarely, if ever, do most of you venture into the group and employee benefits sectors, but it wouldn’t hinder your business at all to consider looking there once in a while.  The experience […]

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2023 Carrier Forecast: Will Things Change? Absolutely! - 1/30/2023

2022 seemed to flow as I predicted in this article a year ago. Since it has been a year, let me repeat a few of the key items discussed in January 2022 so that the current comments can make more sense. The insurance industry follows a cycle from hard to soft markets. This is a […]

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The Brightest Prospects for 2023 - 1/10/2023

Happy New Year!  2022 is in the books and proved to be more successful and less of a restructuring and rebuilding year for the specialty insurance markets than we anticipated.  Nevertheless, financial markets have suffered most in the previous 12 months with crypto tanking, blue chips underperforming and real estate on a roller coaster.  Meanwhile, […]

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Upselling and Cross-Selling DI Products - 12/13/2022

As you and I are financial professionals, the products and ideas we offer assist our clients, making their lives and the lives of their loved ones more economically secure.  The benefits we suggest and the business we transact can better consumer lives.  Most importantly, we sell peace of mind.  But virtuous notions aside, we are […]

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A New DI Frontier - 12/05/2022

In this era so dominated by social media platforms and by the Millennial and Generation Z mindsets, fame has found its way to persons of many genres, talents and walks of life that tend to push the boundaries of the traditional, perhaps antiquated idea and role of “celebrity.” Our computerized world has groomed new outlets […]

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Retirement Protection Through Disability Insurance - 11/30/2022

It is a common notion that one of the greatest financial fears of Americans is the possibility of outliving their money in retirement.  Yet, these concerns don’t always lead to subsequent real-life accountability since most people of working age aren’t making substantial progress toward increasing personal savings.  The detrimental cycle continues.  We worry about having […]

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