The PIU Communicator Library

Using Your Resources Wisely - 04/05/2016

Many of our readers are independent insurance brokers and general agents with practices focused on individual benefits and estate planning services.  Most of you rarely venture into the group and employee benefits sectors, but it wouldn’t hinder your business at all to consider looking there once in a while.  The experience could be delightful and […]

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Ever Heard of Guaranteed-Issue Disability Business Insurance? - 02/16/2016

Have you ever come across a guaranteed-issue key person DI plan?  What about guaranteed-issue BOE coverage?  GSI buy/sell insurance?  While extremely uncommon and with limited scope in the traditional disability market, these programs do exist with high-limit, robust benefit structures, and are part of Petersen International’s portfolio of unique and exciting corporate solutions.  Encompassing the […]

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Another Call to Action - 01/05/2016

Several months ago, Petersen International issued a plea…a serious, urgent call to action for insurance agents and advisors with doctor clients to contact us immediately for assistance in making the most of the incredibly hot multi-life, guaranteed-issue excess disability (GSI) marketplace. The results from that communication have been remarkable.  Many of your colleagues have seen […]

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An Important Question - 10/27/2015

Those of us in the life/health insurance business should know that disablement is a frightening reality of life.  Sudden injury and prolonged sickness can happen to anyone at any stage of their career.  Yet most white-collar Americans maintain proper disability insurance on less than half of their monthly income.  If you weren’t physically able to […]

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How to Become a Millionaire Selling Disability Insurance -

Let’s be real.  It is extremely difficult, and sometimes seems downright impossible to make a fortune doing anything – including playing the lottery let alone selling insurance.  You work eight to twelve hours a day, five maybe six days a week.  You are used to the daily grind, and you make a comfortable living, but […]

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On Fire: The Guaranteed Issue DI Market - 04/01/2015

Last Thursday, the International Disability Insurance Society sponsored an intriguing and well-received webinar on the carrier, agent and consumer benefits of GSI (guaranteed standard issue) group disability insurance in the traditional marketplace.  The real buzz on this type of product is its extreme attractiveness to all parties involved once the program attributes are properly illustrated.  […]

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