The PIU Communicator Library

Niche Product Marketing - 8/22/2017

The personal-lines, corporate and employee-benefits insurance industries are chock-full with products and programs with which many of you are very familiar and probably make your living selling on a daily basis. Most non-property and non-casualty insurances fall under the usual categories of life, health, annuities, disability, travel and long-term care. And most brokers and agents […]

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Not Just a Disability Shop - 8/8/17

For almost 70 years, the Petersen name has been synonymous with the disability insurance industry. W. Harold Petersen was raised under the financial weight of his own father’s disablement, so in adulthood, Mr. Petersen sought to immerse himself in the early teachings of income protection. He has made it his life’s work, his career to […]

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Marketing Disability Insurance for Profit - 03/20/2017

Insurers and producers of disability insurance are pleased to be advised that the year 2015 produced the highest level of profitability in more than 20 years as reported by Milliman, the outstanding consulting actuarial firm, some months ago. This regular survey of disability insurers started over 35 years ago. It gives the industry the best […]

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“The Craziest Thing in the World” - 10/18/2016

Speaking at a Democratic Party rally on October 3rd in Flint, Michigan, President Bill Clinton astonishingly and publically criticized President Barak Obama’s brainchild, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), calling it “the craziest thing in the world.” He went on to denounce the current healthcare reform in that it flooded the health insurance market, resulting in […]

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What’s Trending in 2016 - 04/19/2016

So what’s trending this spring?  As an insurance professional you are bombarded with industry news and expert takes on mainstream life and health insurance trends and new product lines.  Blogs and magazine articles, newswires and online forums are all at your fingertips and in the service of feeding you market insight on a daily basis.  […]

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Welcome to the Producer Zone - 03/15/2016

The rapid evolution of technology over the last two decades has changed the business world forever.  Slowly fleeting are the glory days of the salesperson and the insurance broker.  Those making deals face-to-face with witty dialogue and a handshake must now turn their attentions toward text messages, conference calls and computer chats.  The life and […]

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