The PIU Communicator Library

Cruisin’ - 04/10/2017

Although I’m quite susceptible to motion sickness, I love to deep sea fish and I have also enjoyed a number of vacations aboard those gargantuan cruise ships. What’s not to like about taking a cruise – exciting ports-of-call, refreshing ocean breezes, exotic cocktails, a wide range of entertainment for all ages…and what about the food. […]

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The American Diaspora - 02/28/2017

We are living in a technologically-progressive business world with an ever-expanding global economy where corporate identities exceed borders and nationalities. Although originally domiciled in or at the very least incorporated within the United States, many American companies are moving entire divisions or launching branches overseas. There are also those that are relocating completely outside of […]

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The Proof Is in the Numbers - 01/03/2017

As most of you are well aware, especially you health agents, we are nearing the end of the Affordable Care Act’s open enrollment period. In its current form, the Affordable Care Act has failed millions of Americans. Protocol and logistics nightmares and coverage shortfalls are becoming more and more evident as increasing numbers of U.S. […]

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Trouble in Paradise - 12/20/2016

I recently returned from an incredible trip to the island of Bora Bora in French Polynesia. The tiny speck of land is located 2,500 miles south of the Hawaiian island chain and its superb isolation is much celebrated. The crystal water and fine white sand beaches are the most beautiful I have ever seen as […]

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Tragedy at Five and a Half Miles Above Sea Level - 06/07/2016

Since the first half of the twentieth century, about 7,000 people have attempted to climb the tallest peak in the world, and almost 300 of them have perished doing so.  In the high elevations of the Himalayas, death befalls climbers due to a number of different causes including altitude sickness, falls, avalanches and rope accidents.  […]

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Travel Insurance Made Easy - 05/23/2016

Most Americans will agree that having health insurance is imperative to cover medical bills in case we get sick or are injured and have to go to the hospital or a doctor’s office.  The federal government now monetarily penalizes taxpayers for not having proper coverage, as healthcare has become a requisite purchase in the United […]

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