The PIU Communicator Library
April Showers - 04/21/2015
“Though April showers may come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May.” So goes the old Al Jolson tune. My father loved that song. He loved the attention he got when he began singing it as a small child in front of his parents’ dinner parties. The hysterical uproar that ensued was […]
Stock Option Income Protection - 02/24/2015
February 24, 2015 World Premier of New Product – Stock Option DI Financial experts all agree that 65% of income protection is the prescribed solution to prevent financial disaster during a time of a serious illness or injury. Higher income individuals have always had to rely on multiple tiers of income protection coverage to […]
A Focus on Fundamentals: Excess DI - 11/04/2014
Personal disability insurance is one of the elementary financial needs of any professional, and in a perfect world should be as commonly prescribed as auto or homeowners insurance. That ideal is far from the reality. There are currently fewer than 30 carriers offering disability insurance in the United States, but more than 800 selling life […]
The Delicate Art of the Upsell - Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Whether you label yourself an insurance agent, financial planner, advisor, broker or executive, you are probably, in one form or another, a salesperson. You provide services to a paying customer – a client. You may prefer a different moniker, but in actuality, most of us are in sales. And we rightfully sell our services to […]
Abducted! - Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Fate can be cruel and indiscriminate. A promising young professional is out in the big city for a night of fun and frivolity with some co-workers, naïve of what dangers lurk for him in the shadows…
Demolishing Insurance Qualification Roadblocks - Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Life and disability insurance sales are commonly hampered by the same problems, over and over again. “My client takes meds for depression…