The PIU Communicator Library

The Disability Insurance Litmus Test - 11/01/2016

As an insurance professional, you make a living serving your clients’ best interests. You assumedly make it your primary duty to financially prepare your clients for the many varied obstacles life may bring. Harnessing your years of experience of recognizing and indemnifying risk, you more than likely prescribe medical insurance, life insurance and most importantly […]

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No Body’s Perfect – Impaired Risk Underwriting - 09/20/2016

According to World Health Organization estimates, there are over 30,000 human diseases known to modern medicine. Of those classified and analyzed conditions, roughly two-thirds have no known effective treatment. Yet, we have come a long way from the archaic days of visits to the medieval barber for blood-lettings or shock therapies to improve ailments of […]

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International Benefits in the 21st Century - 08/09/2016

In today’s business world, long gone are the days of regionalism and local sourcing, as companies of any size across many fields conduct business on a global scale.  Almost every inch of the map has been filled-in and connected by electronic communication, providing immediate transfer of information, spanning vast distances instantly.  Contemporary technologies and conveniences […]

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Financial Planning for an Aging Workforce - 07/19/2016

From early childhood, I remember relatives and friends of my grandparents complaining about their daily grind and waxing philosophical about the day they would turn 65 years old so they could retire and move out of the chaos of Los Angeles to somewhere like Florida or Palm Springs.  In those days, very few Americans worked […]

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Disability Insurance Awareness Month - 05/17/2016

There is simply much more to disability insurance than selling policies and earning commissions.  Americans need to be frightfully aware of the real possibility of disablement during one’s career and the devastating potential loss of earnings.  Any scenario that involves total or partial loss of income should be an immediate wake-up call to anyone lacking […]

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Disability Insurance: Premonitions of Trouble Ahead - 05/06/2016

As insurance professionals, we must celebrate our current successes and the general good health of the DI market, but we must also be wary of future turbulence and the hazards the industry may soon face. For the last decade it’s been a buyer’s market which has clearly been beneficial to the consumer.  The world’s personal […]

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