Contingent Life
Great Ideas for Unique Insurance Sales Opportunities
Contingent Life

Petersen International Underwriters would like to remind everyone of the two newest plans of their Contingent Life Series. Following in the footsteps of Confidential Insurable Interest Life and Key Person Contingent Life came:
- Business Bank Loan Contingent Life
- Buy-Sell Contingent Life
10 Reasons to consider the Contingent Life Series:
- Proposed Insured Person has a history of DRUG use.
- Proposed Insured Person has recently been charged with a DUI.
- Proposed Insured Person needs coverage effective immediately (can be fully underwritten in 24 hours).
- Proposed Insured Person does not want to secure Life coverage (can be done confidentially, without the Insured Person’s knowledge)
- Proposed Insured Person is afraid of needles and is not willing to take the Life Insurance Exams.
- Proposed Insured Person is on assignment in a foreign country and they are not able to secure a policy.
- Proposed Insured Person must travel to War Zones causing the Traditional carrier to decline the application.
- Proposed Insured Person had health issues and is willing to accept coverage with an exclusion (i.e. cancer).
- Limits as high as $100,000,000 with no medical exams just a 1 page application.
- Coverage only needed for a short period of time.
To Learn More…
Petersen International Underwriters offer “Meetings On Demand (MOD)” which are available to you and your staff. You can arrange to learn more about any of PIU’s products – on your schedule and in the comfort of your office. Contact Thomas Petersen, Cathy Kennedy, or Erik Petersen to set up your MOD.