Making up for Lost Time

As the COVID-19 crisis continues, the business world as we know it has changed – at least temporarily. Our friends and colleagues in London continually report that the financial and insurance districts in the city are mostly shutdown and the office buildings remain quite empty. But human lives and businesses are adaptable as most financial employees in the city of London are working full time from home. We have a very similar picture here in the states, but as the viral outbreak curve continues to successfully flatten because of social distancing and stay-at-home orders, industries have begun to cautiously reopen.
As an “essential” business, Petersen International has maintained its services and mostly normal operations throughout recent months, and just this week, all employees have moved back into the office working full time. Although the threats and dangers of Coronavirus are still completely present and relevant throughout the world, the American economy is needing to resume for everyone’s sake.
Hopefully you will soon see renewed interest from prospective clients and a general uptick in your businesses. As the preceding months have absolutely stifled new business coming through the door, you will of course be pressing to take new applications to make up for the premiums and revenue lost or at least halted because of this ongoing critical situation. We would like to pose to you an idea to help you make up for lost time and lost commissions.
Consider looking further into the guaranteed standard issue (GSI) disability business. Instead of your usual focus on one individual client and one nice premium, turn your attention to a corporate client where you can place insurance on multiple individuals simultaneously and reap the benefits of a larger group premium and a huge commission. With our very successful GSI platform, Petersen International can assist you turning one contact into three, five, twenty plus clients.
Take advantage of this time of market slowdown to begin planting seeds with organizations and high-income individuals with whom you may already have some rapport. Your ability to offer them a robust income protection plan to cover 65% or more of their salaries, no matter how well paid they are, is likely an idea no insurance agent has brought to their table.
From a placement perspective, it doesn’t get much easier than a GSI case. For a mandatory enrollment chassis, simply a signature on an enrollment form from a corporate officer enacts the coverage and all eligible employees receive an individual, fully-portable disability policy. For a voluntary enrollment chassis, all eligible employees are provided with an electronic link to a proprietary program enrollment website where employees may adjust benefits to meet individual budgets and benefit level concerns.
Petersen International further makes your life as the GSI case broker even easier by providing a dedicated enrollment coordinator who will assist you and your client through the entire process. Now is the time to begin to plant those seeds and to get your sales and commissions back on track. Make up for lost time and money with a very fruitful GSI disability case. Petersen International is the foremost expert in this specialty market, and we have the experience, tenacity and pricing to win you big GSI cases.
Contact our GSI department at (800)345-8816 for more insight to how to get your foot in the door and turn one disability client into a GSI windfall.