The Failure to Survive Product Line

Failure to Survive insurance is a simplified-issue business-focused term product requiring no exams or labs that can be underwritten and issued in a matter of days. With liberal underwriting standards and unique flexibility, the Key Person FTS coverage provides a flat key person benefit, and can accommodate impaired-risk cases that would typically be declined or postponed by traditional market carriers.
Most business loans including SBA contracts require the collateralization of life insurance. The Business Loan FTS product offers simplified-issue death benefits with accelerated underwriting timetables to help healthy or impaired-risk clients quickly close on their business loans even if they are in underwriting for traditional term insurance.
Appropriate succession planning typically demands a death-benefit component. The Buy/Sell FTS plan allows the funding of a buy/sell agreement in case of the demise of a business owner. The product is even available to clients with health, build or substance abuse concerns.
Some insurable contracts don’t fit the molds of the rest of the FTS product line. A Contract Indemnity FTS policy can be designed to cover divorce decrees, spousal and child support requirements, other court orders as well as third party business agreements.